Saturday, June 24, 2006

We finally arrived at LAX. The realization that we were home in the US was wonderful. We still weren’t home in San Francisco, but being near my family and friends was a great consolation prize. The joy and excitement overtook our physical ailments for a brief couple of hours.

Anika and Jon picked us up – it was so good to see them. They drove us to my parents home in Orange County and we chatted about the Inca Trail – what they missed, etc. We all agree they made the right decision about turning around.

I walked into my parents home and collapsed on the couch. We went to the drug store to get drugs and later my sister Andrea came over with my two awesome nieces, Meghan (5) and Katie (1).

I had been craving a Coldbuster from Jamba Juice for the past few days. My parents went out, drove forever trying to find it, and then when they brought it back to me, I was too sick to even drink it. I had no appetite whatsoever although the thought of it sounded really good. Sorry, Mom.

We changed our Southwest flight from Monday to tomorrow, Sunday. It was nice being home with my family but I was craving my own bed, apartment and city. I wanted to be home.

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