Saturday, December 02, 2006

About this Blog

This blog is a journal of a trip four friends took to Peru in June 2006. It's best to start at the beginning by reading the first post. Although I wrote the posts after we returned from Peru, I dated them according to our actual time there.

There are two purposes of this blog. 1) To act as my travel journal and 2) provide information to future travelers to Peru.



9 comments: said...

a letter here for you??:

Gabrielle of Design Mom said...

Yeah Michelle! You won one of the Handsome Devil Press Cards. Just email me your mailing address and the name of your card choice to the email link on my blog.

jannepone said...

I was totally enchanted by your blog on Peru! Thank you so much! And I'm not known for using exclamation points.

Janne Poehner
(Cap's mother)

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for this, Michelle. My husband and I are planning a trip for our 10th anniversary, so reading this helps a lot. I will remember to bring plenty of TOC meds!

Racheal said...

Hey I didn't knwo you had a blog!! I saw picts from your baby shower!! You are one HOT MAMA!!!


Unknown said...

That was one of the most fun-reads of a Peru trip I've seen and I've been reading them for 10 years (I went in '97). Your photos are all really good but the one of the Solstice at the Temple of the Sun was just PRIME.

Wow. I saw your entry at Frommer's.

One thing though. I was 58 at the time of the trip and in no way could I have done the Inca trail and likely not the 2-day one. Nevertheless, we spent an entire DAY at Machu Picchu, then part of the early evening, and then the next morning too, so don't be fooled by the mantra that only the hikers can appreciate Machu Picchu.

My PhotoDiary of the trip (pre blog days!) is at
and the slightly larger photos with much less text are at and

Inferior pics from an APS camera and text that is not nearly the fun yours is to read, but it's another experience. Your energy in writing is fantastic. It was a great read. Thanks for that and the photos.

Oh, felt bad about your friends! But I wondered who Jared reminded me of, and then I realized it was a young, tall Al Franken :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi, thanks for sharing. I have a question for you and your group, if you had to choose between seeing the nazca lines or going to arequipa/colca canyon, which one would you choose? Thanks!

Bryan and Sarah said...

Excellent blog! It will come in really handy when I want to go to Macchu Piccu!

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