Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Why Peru?
Peru, specifically Machu Picchu, has been one of those places you fantasize about and think, "one day... one day, I'll go there." The thought that I'll be physically standing there in a matter of days is chilling.

So how does one go from dream to reality?

Last summer, Jared and I saw the film 'Motorcycle Diaries' at a local theatre in the city. The main duo in the film travel through South America. Peru took my breath away - the cities of Cusco and Machu Picchu, the people, the architecture... We had always wanted to travel to Machu Picchu but suddenly we both looked at each other and thought "LET'S DO IT."

The next step? Set a date. June 2006. More than a year away.

A few weeks later, we were breaking bread with good friends of ours from Long Beach, Jon and Anika. We mentioned the film, our decision to travel to Peru and they wanted in on the action too. A pact was made and we toasted to our future trip.

I consider one of my hobbies to be travel planning so I happily volunteered to be our group's travel guide. I read half a dozen travel books, watched Peru travel shows, read a couple fiction novels based in Peru, purchased a Neruda poetry book, brushed up on my Spanish and browsed countless websites.

A year later and maybe 50 hours of research/planning behind me, our trip is upon us. I'm anticipating a trip of a lifetime.

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