Today is about journeying to Nasca. Now looking back, we should have flown!
So we arrive at the main bus terminal in Lima and were told that our bus was leaving from a different terminal, about 10 minutes away. We quickly grabbed a taxi and made our bus departure fine.
Due to time schedules, we had to board a lower class bus so it made a lot of stops and didn’t smell great. At each stop, locals boarded the bus for a few minutes to sell items. At one stop, a woman got on selling cake and kept saying over and over “Choco! Choco!” – we quoted it the entire trip.
It is winter here, cold and flu season, and people on the bus were sneezing and sniffling – not a good sound to hear in cramped travel quarters!
We arrived in Nasca at 7:30 pm, 1.5 hours late, but our friendly tourist agency Mystery Peru met us and took us to our hotel, Hotel Allegria, a short walk from the bus station. We were all exhausted from the 7.5 hour journey so we ate a good dinner and went to be early. Nasca is full of tourists, much more than we ever saw in Lima. It’s a small town, but definitely has charm.
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